Sunday 20 December 2015

Digital Natives or Immigrants

After reading Prensky's report on digital natives and digital immigrants I would have to consider myself a digital immigrant. I grew up at school where computers and Internet were not part of school life. Times have changed and I am constantly trying to stay as up to date as possible with new technologies. I do this by constantly looking for new ways to effectively incorporate technology into my lessons. I have recently been teacher Stage 3 classes and they have helped bring me along. The students will lead the learning if you give them opportunities to challenge and explore new ways to present in digital formats. I agree with Prensky's comment that digital immigrants are teaching digital natives and the digital immigrants are struggling to keep up. Many teachers are struggling to keep up with the changes and technology and the way students want to learn. I am struggling at my school trying to bring the teachers along to embrace using new technology. I was an interesting read.

Friday 18 December 2015

Why do we have digital technology in the classroom?

Why do we have digital technology in the classroom?

Digital Literacy is about the ability to use technology to navigate and evaluate, critically analyse information and find and create information. It is about being able to digitally communicate and participate effectively in a digital world. Most careers in the 21st Century require people to effectively communicate through a range of devices and forms of communication.

The Waldorf School that has taken all technology use out of their school are at risk of developing students not ready for the 21st Century Society. Students need to learn to effectively use the devices At my current school this year I have been leading the introduction of BYOD into the school for 2016. As a school we have been looking the 21st Century Learner Framework and how to prepare students with the necessary skills in technology for the future. Developing the life and career skills to be flexible and adaptable, taking the initiative and skills in leadership and responsibility. Including technology in the classroom provides opportunities for students to lead their learning and collaborate, critically analyse, create and evaluate information in ways they wouldn't be able to do without technology. It also engages the students and enables them to produce quality work in a variety of formats.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Response to Podcast interview

I agree with the philosophy behind the thinking in this interview/podcast. Focusing on technology is the wrong approach, the focus needs to be on quality pedagogy. The quality of the learning has to be the focus of incorporating technology into the classroom. Enabling students to lead their learning and challenge them to critically analyse a topic or change their thinking.

It was a good interview to listen too and here their views.

Matt Kerr

I teach a Year 5 class this year at Sans Souci Public School in the St George area to the south of Sydney. This is my tenth year teaching and I have experience teaching from Kindergarten to Year 6 but have more experience in Stage 2 and 3.
I am very passionate about incorporating technologies into my teaching practices and engaging the students with challenging and creative tasks.
I am one of the leaders of the Technology Team in my school and designing and implementing professional development for staff on new technology.  I have led the plan to introduce BYOD into my school in 2016 which included developing a BYOD Action Plan for 2015-16, BYOD Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy, conducting BYOD/Technology staff, student and parent surveys, BYOD Parent information Package and led the presentation of the a Parent Information evening on BYOD.
I actively incorporate technology into my classroom teaching practices. This year led the implementation of Google classroom and apps into Stage 3. Also regularly explore a range of apps and technologies including the apps Explain Everything, iMovie, My Create, Popplet Lite, iTunes U, Strip Design, Google Drive, Google Classroom and a range of other apps and resources.
I enjoy creating student directed and project based learning tasks where the students lead the learning. I am always looking for new ways to challenge and engage students. Learning that provides opportunities for students to question, critically analyse and find solutions to problems.
I own my own iPad and regularly exploring and looking for new inspiring ways to incorporate technology.
I am looking forward to working through this subject and discussing technology and teaching.