Sunday 20 December 2015

Digital Natives or Immigrants

After reading Prensky's report on digital natives and digital immigrants I would have to consider myself a digital immigrant. I grew up at school where computers and Internet were not part of school life. Times have changed and I am constantly trying to stay as up to date as possible with new technologies. I do this by constantly looking for new ways to effectively incorporate technology into my lessons. I have recently been teacher Stage 3 classes and they have helped bring me along. The students will lead the learning if you give them opportunities to challenge and explore new ways to present in digital formats. I agree with Prensky's comment that digital immigrants are teaching digital natives and the digital immigrants are struggling to keep up. Many teachers are struggling to keep up with the changes and technology and the way students want to learn. I am struggling at my school trying to bring the teachers along to embrace using new technology. I was an interesting read.


  1. Hi Matthew,
    'The students will lead the learning if you give them opportunities to challenge and explore new ways to present in digital formats'. What a great statement. It resonates so well to constructivist theories. What have you found to be the most effective 'opportunity' that you have given students to allow for this learning?

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