Friday 12 February 2016

Collaborative Learning

What are the key issues raised in this article about collaborative learning for teacher and for students? How do you think these difficulties might be overcome?

This article looks closely at the difference between collaborative learning v cooperative learning, which was an interesting read. However, one of the issues raised in this article refer tho the challenges for students in working in group situations and how the teacher can overcome these issues. It talks about the importance of group roles and responsibilities for the students when participating in group work. It outlines effective group processes including how they ask questions, listens to other and interact with each other. It also discusses how they interact through online communication tools as part of their group and how they need to reflect on their group work cooperation at the end of the project. I believe when working in group work situations that it is important that procedures and guidelines are put in place before they begin. They also need regular opportunities to receive feedback and support from the teacher and class on their work and how they are collaborating. Students need to taught how to effectively work in groups.

Matt Kerr

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